via instagram @rareflavr

via instagram @rareflavr

"Are you going to be the Change - Or wait for change to rearrange you?" ('Change' Youtube). One of the qualities of #rareflavr is unique, courageous and bold talent. If you listen to the lyrics on the Song "Change" by Aviva and the Flying Penguins you can feel depth of the motivation. When you see creatives finding new perspective it catches your eye . We dug into some of their videos and found it unique and interesting how they have a motivational side to them. Including songwriting techniques and sessions on their youtube Channel. Sometimes your voice and love can be stronger than anything you have. Aviva and the Flying Penguins have been making music as a band and the lead singer Aviva has been making music since she was 8 years old. They have been on the road many times and are an indie band that definitely defines uniqueness and creative abilities. Which you can see in their music videos including 'Cannibus Car' .

Turns out Aviva was working on a farm in exchange to live there. The farmer she lived with grew mostly blueberries and tomatoes but wanted to grow hemp. He taught her that it used to be required for farmers to grow hemp until it became illegal to grow it at all. As of 2014, It has become legal to grow hemp in accordance with the farm bill for research with the arbitrary definition of it's THC level being less than .3%.  Around 50  farmers in Tennessee registered in 2016.   As she looked more into it she found how Henry Ford built a car to run on hemp right before it became illegal. As she was thinking deeper about this a melody came to her to develop a song. 

Many people often confuse hemp with Marijuana.."Hemp refers to strains of Cannabis sativa that have been bred specifically for fiber used for clothing and construction, oils and topical ointments, nutritional benefits and a wide and growing variety of other purposes that don’t involve intoxication." Bacca, A. (2014, June 5).What's the difference between hemp and marijuana? Retrieved from

"I get a feeling and then a melody accompanies it and it all comes together like a group dance between my words, melody phrasing, heart, and soul and this other invisible force- angels perhaps? Invisible buddies whispering hope in my ear?"- aviva

The process of making music can be different for some but there is a common theme of letting the message find you . Regardless of perception creativity is something we can all take part in. Finding rhythm and greatness is something we at #rareflavr cherish. Unique experiences and challenges often make great opportunities to write music. 

As Aviva and The Flying Penguins are an indie group they have shared some interesting experiences on the road. When asked about some of those times Aviva shared with us one of the most hilarious stories she could think of even though there were tons.

She shared with us, 

"Ok we were driving in the van and were running really low on gas.  We had just left a gig in Raleigh headed north, and the pump in town was rigged.  It didn't work- card kept declining- and My drummer Andre felt like for some reason the place - or someone who worked there - would scam us… so we hit the road thinking the next exit would have gas… it didn't…. we actually ended up driving over 20 miles until we saw a little gas sign on the exit for Lizard Lick.  We got off the exit and there were no lights anywhere.  We drove in the direction of the gas arrow and saw nothing.   We really thought we were gonna run out of gas in the middle of nowhere… we all started praying.. what seemed like 4 miles later we saw a giant Lizard statue in the distance. "That's it!"  It was a close call!  We came upon it and I jump out of the car with elation!!!! My drummer noticed however the place was closed.  "Maybe it will still take a credit card" I said. (I get sooo giddy on tour I am often over-positive). And yes sure enough the credit card worked.  That Lizard statue was just too much - and still an endearing treat on the not much sleep, not much $, not much luxury INDIE TOUR hehehehehhe. "-Aviva 

Performing Live has to be a positive experience because it shows your true talents and confidence to express them boldly. Going on the Road as well is a true test of overcoming obstacles.

aviva and the flying penguins

You can see the depth, soul, talent and unique philosophy of the music above in a live open mic performance where Aviva plays the piano and sings. 

We asked about what excites her the most performing the music or making the music? Do you get nervous before performing? what advice would you give beginners who get nervous performing? Also noticed your Songwriting Sundays/Motivational Music. Do you teach music? 

Aviva: "yes, I do teach music.  I love motivating others to express themselves and be creative as a tool for not only expressing, but healing… not only performing, but taking a time out and exploring ways their subconscious is exploring the space right now that they wouldn't have noticed unless they unplugged and gave permission for things to just be.  We have innate gifts and all they need are our attention.  It does take work and practice, however, to keep things that would distract us out of our way.  I definitely get nervous before I perform.  It helps when I do qi gong, especially with the whole band and even the audience.  It centers me and reminds me that I am "on purpose".  Making music excites me so much.  I love the stage, the amps, the microphones, the dancing, the show, the background dancers, how we practice so much to get to a certain point and then just let go and have fun.  I love to see my band come alive on stage… it's harder to get that in rehearsals.  I loooooove the studio.  I get sooo excited laying down tracks and adding different parts.  It feels so magical.  It's a whole different artistic palette to pull from.  I love the supportive energy of working with people I love and trust.  It excites me so much to write new songs.  Once someone asked me what my favorite song was.. I answered usually the one I just wrote.  It seems to give me a pattern of program I need to vibrate to and so the idea of writing a song a week for my sunday songwriting show really excited me as each week I would have a new favorite song to soothe and heal me as I express it and listen back… it's often a lullaby to me that week as it seems to possess the power to bring my subconscious out for a joyful journey.  Such a journey seems to bring more sense, love, peace and joy to my human experience.  I like sharing this with others because I feel like it might inspire them and get them to open up in new ways.  I had to let go of my ego need for songs to sound rehearsed and arranged in order to share on this kind of platform.  The spontaneity, current relevance, rawness, and authenticity is what I craved to give people. "- Aviva



Incorporating different aspects like nature and the youth into the art can make it impactful. You can learn from what they have been through and lyrics through the music. We look for artists, creatives, and passionate people all of the time to contribute to the rareflavr creative space and a glad that we had the opportunity cross paths with Aviva and the Flying Penguins. Their energy is positive and powerful. You can Check them out on Facebook, Youtube, soundcloud and more. 

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