1. What is your Album Title ?
Blind Faith
2. What is Your Album, to you?
This album is a sound really, Mr.Sizzles produced the whole thing, he has a very unique production style, we have been working together for almost 4 years now and lately we have really been putting a lot of work in, focusing on the synergy and this project is the only the beginning.
3. How Important do you believe is self-improvement ?
Depends on how you feel about yourself, you need to be happy with yourself, self improvement is cool but self acceptance is where its really at.
4. Why do you think it is hard for humans to learn from their mistakes ?
Acceptance is tough, i think sometimes we know but it takes us a long time to accept, when we finally accept, we think we finally figured it out haha
5. What social situations do you dislike the most ?
Most of them haha
6. Which social situations do you think are important and have been forgotten ?
eating dinner without watching something or really doing anything without watching/scrolling haha.
7. What is the funniest youtube video you have ever seen lately ?
Best of Norm Macdonald
8. What is the best movie you have seen lately?
I really liked the irisihman, also been watching the “your honour” show on hbo, thats dope.
9. What is your favorite rap music video, favorite rap album, favorite rap group, or song ?
Okay, favorite video is hard fr fr i aint mad atcha by tupac is a dope video i saw super early on and was really blown away by, stan by eminem too, lot of dope canadian video directors too ya know I have certain directors I follow and I watch everything they put out, or as much as I can.
Favorite Rap Album
Tough, very tough question, Here are the top 5 haha
Buc Fifty - Praise the devil serve the lord
eminem - the marshall mathers lp
Big Pun - Capital Punishment
Nas - The Lost Tapes
Prodigy - HNIC Pt. 2
Honorable mention - Killah Priest - The Offering
10. What is the worst mistake you have ever made ?
Not sure honestly, there are quite a few haha
11. What is the best decision you have ever made ?
getting clean
12. How do you think phones will change in the future ?
We will give them more and more control over our lives.
13. What do you believe makes you, who you are ?
My biological makeup, environment, and influences.
14. What do you believe your biggest strength is as an artist ?
I love this shit, its my favourite thing to do, I don’t need a break from it, its everything.
15. Where Are Your Favorite Spots In Canada, that you think Americans And Other Countries would enjoy ?
16. Which Person would you like to Stream your Album to the most?
Anyone who appreciates hard beats and dope rhymes.
17. When do you think people should listen to your album ?
Whenever haha I do encourage everyone to listen to it in its entirety but I understand thats not how everyone listens to music, do what you feel!
18. How can people improve their work ethic the most ?
Everyone is different, we all have work ethic, we just need to find what motivates us, for some people thats more obvious to them.
Is there anything else you want to add we did not cover?
What is the best way people can support an artist like yourself through this pandemic?
Buying merch 100%, whether its a cd, a t shirt a hoodie whatever, thats the best thing you can do right now to support indie artists.